صيغة السؤال
? Q/What does “............” mean? Q/What does the word “............” mean
: paragraph isQ/The meaning of the underlined word “ ............” in the
2- inauguration = opening or inform افتتا ح
1-Myriad = multiple or countless عدد ضخ م
4- definition = explanation تعري ف ا و شر ح
3- mankind = human beings كائن بشر ي
6- proficient = skilled ماه ر
Nocturnal = active at night 5- نشط ف اللي ل
Celebrate = enjoy 8- يستمتع = يحتفل
7- Substantially = strongly قو ة = خار ق
10-Individual = separated فرد = منفص ل
Recycling = use again 9- الاستخدام مره اخر ى
12-Current = recent حديث او الاخير او الحال ي
11- Remark = comment, suspension
تعليق = ملاحظ ة
Breaking = squash 14- كس ر
Unlikely = improbable 13- مستبعد
Shiny = brighten 16- مشرق او لام ع
15- Unconvincing = far fetched غير مقن ع
Inconvenience = trouble 18- مزع ج
Stingy = greedy 17- بخيل
20- Suffer = problem مشكل ه
Function = job, position 19- وظيفه
22-Blessed = happy سعي د
Paper = sedge , papyrus 21- ور ق
24- Effortless=cushy, easy, without work, light سهل = بدون صعوبة
Bid = offer to 23- عر ض
26-Chart = maps خرائ ط
Physician = doctor 25- دكتو ر
Happen = occur 28- وقع = حد ث
Cartographer = navigator, mapmaker 27-
مصمم الخرائ ط
30- Nutrients = high food value قيم ه غذائية
29- Reign = rule, law قانو ن
32- Assumed = took, thread, posited, suspected, pretended , posited
مفترض = يفتر ض
31-Allocated = assign , appropriate , specialized, dedicated , specify , give مخصص = تخصيص = متخصص
Piles, heap = stack 34- اكوام او حز م
33-Couch surfing = friends live together, house free منزل مجاني
36- Diet = food نظام غذائي
35- Carved = shaped منحو ت
Undecided = great waves 38- موجات عظيمه
37-Harvesting and prepare =collected and gathering الحصاد = الجم ع
Herbs = plant 40- نبا ت
Exhausted = tired 39- متع ب
Dabble = wet 42- رط ب
Antique = old 41- قديم
44- Stress = pressure ضغط = اجهاد
43- Adapted = accepted قبول = تأقل م
46- overloaded = under high pressure
تحت ضغط مرتفع = مثقل
45-Fight in fight response = the way that the human body react to dangerous situation
تفاعل الجسم مع المواقف الخطير ة
48- Leisure = relaxing استرخا ء
47- Essentially – basically اسا س
50-Pronunciation = enunciation النطق = اللف ظ
Risk = dangerous 49- خط ر
52- Accommodation = home منز ل
51-Accomplish = plan خط ه
Bowl = container 54- وعاء = حاويه
53- Tension, tense = stress توت ر
56-Slaughter = kill قتل = ذبح
Brainstorming =plan, solution, product 55-
انتاج = ح ل
Tamed = controlled 58- مسيط ر
Multiple = consisting of, including 57-
متعدد = يتكون من = يشمل
64-مشتع ل flaming = afire
63-resemble = look like يشب ه
66-repair = fix اصلا ح
65- greedy = grasping جشع
68- essential = important مه م
67- not scheduled = not planned غير مخط ط
70-opertation pioneer = surgery for older patient عمليات = جراح ه
69-mutual intelligibility = same نفس الوض ع
72-lacking = missing فق د
71-colony = colonies , habitation , settlement استعمار
74- versatility = useful تنوع = مفيد
73- forceful = powerful قو ي
76- reign = history تاري خ
75- happen = occur حدث
78-allocates = assign تخصيص = تعيين
77- nutritious = more healthy صح ي اكثر
80 – dozing = sleep نو م
79-complected = available متا ح = ملتزم
82= produce = originate = develop اص ل
81- clues = signs أدل ه = علاما ت
84 - compound = complex مرك ب
83- assumed = pretense تظاهر
86- legend = tale أسطور ة
85- explain = look نظره
88- equilibrium – equality غير محفو ظ
87- head up to = moved towards توجه الى
90- head = director, manager مدير
89- escalate = increase زياده
60-Habit =development and improvement
تطوير = تحسي ن
Expedition = journey 59- رحله = بعثه
62-legend = tale حكاي ة
Crucial = definitive 61- حاسم = نهائي