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في تصنيف أسئلة تعليمية بواسطة

مطلوب تعبير انجليزي عن الطفل المعجرة- مرحباً بك في بوابة الإجابات ، المصدر الرائد للتعليم والمساعدة في حل الأسئلة والكتب الدراسية. نحن هنا لدعمك في تحقيق أعلى مستويات التعليم والتفوق الأكاديمي، نهدف إلى توفير إجابات شاملة لسؤالك مطلوب تعبير انجليزي عن الطفل المعجرة نتمنى لك التوفيق والنجاح في رحلتك التعليمية.في بوابة الاجابات نعتقد بقوة في قوة التعليم ودوره في تنمية قدرات الدارسين، وكما نعمل جاهدين لتوفير بيئة تعليمية ملهمة وموارد تعليمية عالية الجودة.

الطفل المعجرة

A child prodigy

Outline Introduction: A child prodigy is a person who has an outstanding talent or skill at a very early age Body: 1-The advantages, being known and famous, being rich, being distinguished. 2- The disadvantages, coping with normal friends, feeling isolated, difficult to enjoy his childhood. Conclusion: parents, families and governments have a duty towards those child prodigies

A child prodigy is a person who has an outstanding talent or skill at a very early age. All people like to see their children smart and intelligent. People educate their children at early age so that they can develop their talents and skills A few children show these extraordinary talents at a very early age. We can't deny that these prodigies benefit children, their parents, the society and humanity in general. Being a child prodigy has advantages and disadvantages.

When we talk about advantages, we start with the most important one which is being known and famous. A child prodigy will be known around the world. Child prodigy will also be rich. He will get lots of money through his creative ideas and creative thinking. The advantages also include being distinguished. Prodigies also get a lot of rewards.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of being a prodigy. First, it is always difficult to cope with normal friends, normal classes or schools. So, a child prodigy will always feel isolated. Children of the same age will always be different from him. So, a child prodigy will find it difficult to enjoy his childhood.

To conclude, parents, families and governments have a duty towards those child prodigies. They should give them extra care. They should provide all necessary materials to help them.

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مطلوب تعبير انجليزي عن الطفل المعجرة

أسئلة مشابهة

مرحباً بك في بوابة الإجابات ، المصدر الرائد للتعليم والمساعدة في حل الأسئلة والكتب الدراسية. نحن هنا لدعمك في تحقيق أعلى مستويات التعليم والتفوق الأكاديمي، نهدف إلى توفير إجابات شاملة لسؤالك

