Energy conversion efficiency
The energy conversion process takes place within both simple devices and sophisticated devices, as energy transformation can occur within an electric car game where the electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy, or inside a car engine which converts the chemical energy of gasoline into mechanical energy, [7] and when converting energy from Another form of this energy is wasted, and some conversion processes require a large amount of energy to obtain a small amount of the new form of energy, but these processes are ineffective, so it is important to reduce the costs of energy production by accessing transformations Effective where less energy is wasted.
For example, the Incandescent Bulbs lamp is used for lighting, as it converts electrical energy into radiant energy that includes visible light that is being used, and infrared radiation that is lost energy due to lack of use, which appears as heat that can be felt when Touching the glass of the lamp, so lamps are produced with greater electrical efficiency than incandescent bulbs such as fluorescent lights that produce the same amount of visible light that is produced in incandescent bulbs but with much less infrared radiation
The energy efficiency of any device expresses the balance between each of the energy entering before the conversion process and the energy produced after the conversion process, and is expressed quantitatively by the following law: device efficiency = useful resulting energy / energy entering
The energy efficiency of any device expresses the balance between each of the energy entering before the conversion process and the energy produced after the conversion process, and is expressed quantitatively by the following law: device efficiency = useful resulting energy / energy entering
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