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مراجعة أسئلة Grammar للثانوية - مرحباً بك في بوابة الإجابات ، المصدر الرائد للتعليم والمساعدة في حل الأسئلة والكتب الدراسية. نحن هنا لدعمك في تحقيق أعلى مستويات التعليم والتفوق الأكاديمي، نهدف إلى توفير إجابات شاملة لسؤالك مراجعة أسئلة Grammar للثانوية  نتمنى لك التوفيق والنجاح في رحلتك التعليمية.في بوابة الاجابات نعتقد بقوة في قوة التعليم ودوره في تنمية قدرات الدارسين، وكما نعمل جاهدين لتوفير بيئة تعليمية ملهمة وموارد تعليمية عالية الجودة.

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مراجعة أسئلة Grammar للثانوية 


1. You will be going on the trip with us tomorrow, _________ you?

(a) don't (c) can't

(b) won't (d) isn't

2. I couldn't find _________ to fix my roof after the heavy rain.

(a) few (c) little

(b) none (d) anyone

3. Nora has joined the swim team because she is a _________ swimmer.

(a) good (c) worst

(b) best (d) worse

4. We thanked all the people _________ helped us in organizing this event.

(a) they (c) who

(b) whose (d) whom

5. Next year, my brother _________ graduating from Harvard University.

(a) will be (c) was

(b) is being (d) will

6. _________ mother and daughter practice yoga every morning.

(a) Either (c) Neither

(b) Several (d) Both

7. Nora _________ her famous cheesecake when the electricity went down.

(a) is preparing (c) can prepare

(b) was preparing (d) will prepare

8. _________ has become the main language in many universities.

(a) An English (c) English

(b) In English (d) The English

9. Whose pen is this? It's _________.

(a) Mona's (c) Monas

(b) Mona (d) to Mona

10. Sharks are very large sea fish that attack people swimming _________ them.

(a) such as (c) because of

(b) within (d) near

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11. Because Essa is so thin, the risk of him getting sick is _________.

(a) greater (c) good

(b) best (d) greatest

12. _________ I would rather stay home and read instead of going out.

(a) Next (c) Ever

(b) Nowadays (d) Yesterday

13. Susan _________ early for class.

(a) are often (c) often is

(b) often are (d) is often

14. The art exhibition_________ this weekend but the artists cancelled because of the theft

of their paintings.

(a) had been held (c) was held

(b) be held (d) was to be held

15. Since she studied French in high school, it has become easier for Nora _________ with

her friends living in France.

(a) communicates (c) communicated

(b) to communicate (d) communicating

16. Manar remembers _________ to Canada when she was younger.

(a) has gone (c) to have gone

(b) has been going (d) having gone

17. I recommend you eat _________ apple pie at this restaurant.

(a) many (c) the

(b) a few (d) a

18. On _________ days during the month of April, the weather is cool and pleasant.

(a) most (c) most of

(b) mostly (d) the most

19. It's the best sales period of the year. Let's shop _________ the mall closes for the night.

(a) during (c) through

(b) until (d) despite

20. How many times _________ asked you not to smoke inside the gas station?

(a) haven't I (c) I have

(b) I had (d) have I

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21. If we _________ to land on the moon, why can't we clean up the oceans?

(a) could (c) was able

(b) can (d) were able

22. Thanks to good marketing, she ___________ become a billionaire before she turned


(a) can (c) will

(b) had (d) is

23. She was so sad when she heard the news that she broke _________ and cried.

(a) up (c) off

(b) down (d) into

24. If we _________ to believe the weather report, schools may be closed tomorrow.

(a) should (c) can

(b) shall (d) are

25. Tell me again, please. To _________ did you talk when you called my office?

(a) which (c) what

(b) where (d) whom

26. I will do whatever you want. _________ wish is my command.

(a) You're (c) You've

(b) Your (d) Yours

27. This is the car that Fahad _________.

(a) bought it (c) buying

(b) buys it (d) bought

28. The Pyramids of Egypt _________ by thousands of people every year.

(a) have visited (c) are visiting

(b) had visited (d) are visited

29. It is our duty to _________ aid and supplies to the refugees in Syria and Yemen.

(a) sends (c) send

(b) sent (d) sending

30. _________ Oxford University in case you are accepted?

(a) Will you be joining (c) You will be joining

(b) Will you joining (d) You will join

31. Are you _________ or against war? I believe it's a crime against humanity.

(a) in (c) on

(b) for (d) at

32. _________ beautiful paintings are these?

(a) When (c) Whose

(b) Why (d) Where

33. Adel passed the driving test and so _________ his brother.

(a) is (c) does

(b) was (d) did

34. When the Emir _________, the music band will play the National Anthem.

(a) arrives (c) is arriving

(b) arrived (d) will arrive

35. _________ he lives far from the city, he attends morning classes regularly.

(a) Except (c) Although

مرحباً بك في بوابة الإجابات ، المصدر الرائد للتعليم والمساعدة في حل الأسئلة والكتب الدراسية. نحن هنا لدعمك في تحقيق أعلى مستويات التعليم والتفوق الأكاديمي، نهدف إلى توفير إجابات شاملة لسؤالك

