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مراجعة أسئلة Vocabulary للثانوية العامة - مرحباً بك في بوابة الإجابات ، المصدر الرائد للتعليم والمساعدة في حل الأسئلة والكتب الدراسية. نحن هنا لدعمك في تحقيق أعلى مستويات التعليم والتفوق الأكاديمي، نهدف إلى توفير إجابات شاملة لسؤالك مراجعة أسئلة Vocabulary للثانوية العامة  نتمنى لك التوفيق والنجاح في رحلتك التعليمية.في بوابة الاجابات نعتقد بقوة في قوة التعليم ودوره في تنمية قدرات الدارسين، وكما نعمل جاهدين لتوفير بيئة تعليمية ملهمة وموارد تعليمية عالية الجودة.

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الاجابه على سؤال : مراجعة أسئلة Vocabulary للثانوية العامة 

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مراجعة أسئلة Vocabulary للثانوية العامة 

36. In order to build his house, Sami hired a famous ______ from Italy.

(a) effect (c) architect

(b) neglect (d) dialect

37. If you fail once, don't _________. Try again and you will succeed.

(a) give to (c) put down

(b) give up (d) put up

38. Cold hands and feet could be a sign of poor blood _________ in your body.

(a) circulation (c) recycling

(b) citation (d) circles

39. Last night's musical _________ at the Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad cultural center was


(a) accordance (c) importance

(b) abhorrence (d) performance

40. Because of the recent heavy rain, new plants and flowers will _________ in the desert

this spring.

(a) groom (c) bloom

(b) balloon (d) broom

41. People who volunteer to help the poor usually have _________ feelings for their


(a) genuine (c) decline

(b) canine (d) guideline

42. We spent our vacation in a beautiful resort in _________ village in the Swiss Alps.

(a) a frustrated (c) an inflated

(b) a dictated (d) an isolated

43. When driving a car, one must stop to allow _________ to cross the street.

(a) pedestrians (c) humanitarians

(b) mathematicians (d) veterinarians

44. My favorite English_________ is: "When there's a will, there's a way."

(a) herb (c) adverb

(b) verb (d) proverb

45. Waleed and Hamad are business _________ who own a small company selling sports

equipment to gyms.

(a) officers (c) criminals

(b) lawyers (d) partners

46. Ahmed was upset that his friends _________ him from their plans last weekend.

(a) excluded (c) concluded

(b) precluded (d) included

47. The meteorologist has _________ that there will be a severe thunderstorm with heavy

rain tomorrow morning.

(a) questioned (c) predicted

(b) received (d) assumed

48. Had Aziz not been _________ to join the water polo team, he could have become a

professional player on the Kuwaiti national water polo team.

(a) enthusiastic (c) violent

(b) reluctant (d) drastic

49. I love watching Indian dancers because every movement and hand gesture has a

_________ meaning.

(a) static (c) convenient

(b) disobedient (d) specific

50. The Kuwait Red Crescent Society is an organization that accepts _________ in order to

help refugees and areas affected by natural disasters.

(a) donations (c) detentions

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51. With the use of mobile phones, you will rarely call someone and find the phone line


(a) taken (c) busy

(b) used (d) connected

52. My sister is so _________. I had to work hard to convince her to come with me to the


(a) adaptable (c) flexible

(b) stubborn (d) willing

53. Some people are never happy unless they have a problem to _________.

(a) release (c) dissolve

(b) receive (d) solve

54. When I am in a crowded place, I fear that a thief might _________ my smart phone

and run away with it.

(a) snap (c) stab

(b) slap (d) grab

55. This university is a very reputable _________. It has an excellent academic reputation.

(a) astonishment (c) establishment

(b) disagreement (d) entertainment

56. Scientific studies show that people who have a positive _________ are more likely to


(a) attitude (c) solitude

(b) altitude (d) magnitude

57. Large farms often hire technicians specializing in _________ so they can grow better

and cheaper vegetables in their fields.

(a) autonomy (c) literature

(b) agronomy (d) linguistics

58. This building _________ rain water and uses it to fill up its water tanks.

(a) dissects (c) collects

(b) suspects (d) corrects

59. Some supermarkets try to _________ customers by promoting items as if they were on

sale, even though the proposed price of these items is the regular price.

(a) perceive (c) receive

(b) conceive (d) deceive

60. I have not seen you _________ Monday. Where have you been?

(a) since (c) rarely

(b) still (d) for

61. The minister of health presented his _________ to the prime minister after the media

revealed that some hospitals charged patients more money than allowed.

(a) amputation (c) combination

(b) resignation (d) punctuation

62. It is wrong and useless to be _________ of other people's success. One should, instead,

work harder to get better results.

(a) serious (c) fabulous

(b) jealous (d) precious

63. It's important to have a relevant degree but we also need employees with several years

of job _________.

(a) negligence (c) difference

(b) experience (d) innocence

64. Some people find it hard to sleep in hotels where the _________ and mattresses are too


(a) shadows (c) fellows

(b) pillows (d) windows

65. To stay in business, a shop must offer _________ prices.

(a) speculative (c) descriptive

(b) inquisitive (d) competitive

66. It is polite to _________ to one's email rapidly.

(a) rescue (c) reply

(b) regard (d) recur

67. The heavy rainfall and flooding that Kuwait experienced caused a major _________ on

many of the new roads and bridges, which had to be closed.

(a) solution (c) disaster

(b) factor (d) action

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68. Because Maria was careless, her car was constantly _________.

(a) breaking up (c) falling off

(b) breaking down (d) falling down

69. Hasan has been saving money since he started working in order to _________ a new


(a) purchase (c) divide

(b) conquer (d) add

70. Abdullah graduated from high school with high honors and his parents were very proud

of his _________.

(a) bewilderment (c) reception

(b) deception (d) achievement

مرحباً بك في بوابة الإجابات ، المصدر الرائد للتعليم والمساعدة في حل الأسئلة والكتب الدراسية. نحن هنا لدعمك في تحقيق أعلى مستويات التعليم والتفوق الأكاديمي، نهدف إلى توفير إجابات شاملة لسؤالك

