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 مذكرة شاملة لكل أسئلة 2019 لشهر يوليو - كلية الطب- مرحباً بك في بوابة الإجابات ، المصدر الرائد للتعليم والمساعدة في حل الأسئلة والكتب الدراسية. نحن هنا لدعمك في تحقيق أعلى مستويات التعليم والتفوق الأكاديمي، نهدف إلى توفير إجابات شاملة لسؤالك  مذكرة شاملة لكل أسئلة 2019 لشهر يوليو - كلية الطب نتمنى لك التوفيق والنجاح في رحلتك التعليمية.في بوابة الاجابات نعتقد بقوة في قوة التعليم ودوره في تنمية قدرات الدارسين، وكما نعمل جاهدين لتوفير بيئة تعليمية ملهمة وموارد تعليمية عالية الجودة.

الإجابة الصحيحة لسؤالك هي:

 مذكرة شاملة لكل أسئلة 2019 لشهر يوليو - كلية الطب

اذا وجدت الإجابة علي سؤالك   مذكرة شاملة لكل أسئلة 2019 لشهر يوليو - كلية الطب ،وكنت بحاجة إلى المزيد من الدعم أو كانت لديك استفسارات إضافية ، فلا تتردد في اضافة سؤالاً جديدا ويسرنا تقديم الاجابة الاحترافية لكل طالب يسعى للمعرفة والتعلم.

4 إجابة

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تجميعات كلية الطب 

مذكرة شاملة لكل أسئلة 2019 لشهر يوليو 

Complete collection SMLE-2019

SMLE collections only July 2019

N.B: I'm just writing the questions from WhatsApp groups, nothing

corrected yet.

1- All ethics are repeated.

2- 90% of pediatrics are repeated from Masoud file.

3- Picture of CTG.

4- Picture of impetigo.


6- ECG Left BBB.

7- Most common cause of domestic violence?A- Cigarettes smoking

B- Second pregnancy

C- Marital dissociation

8- Female operation prevention of Dvt

A- Enoxaparin

B- Aspirin

C- Unfractionated heparin

D- Foundoparix

9- Stroke after 4h ttt?

A- Aspirin

B- Clopidegrol


D- thrombolytics

10- Female with history of stress incontinence for 3 years and she has

very week pelvic muscles. TTT?

A- Pelvic floor exercise for 6 wk

B- Anticholinergic for 6wks

C- Surgical ttt

11- Treatment of Bilateral varicose veins?

A- Sclerotgerapy

B- Ligation

C- Endovascular strippling

12- Most significant risk factor of cerebral palsy?

A- Prematurity

B- Perinatal asphyxia

C- Genetic abnormalities

D- Low birth weight

13- Pt with bronchial asthma, cyanosed, canʼt speek, RR 20, HR 130.



B- Mechanical ventilation


D- Steroid

14- UTI pt culture gram +ve bacilli catalase negative, empirical AB?

A- Nitrofurantoin

B- Cephalosporins

C- Pipracillin Tazobactam

15- RA on Steroid and Methotrexate complains of joint swelling and

pain, +ve high WBCs in joint aspirate. TTT?

A- IV antiobiotic

B- Intra-articular antibiotic

C- High steroid

16- Pt with Squamous cell carcinoma, PTH low or normal, Ca high. Dx?

A- Primary hyperparathyroidism


C- Parathormone like peptide

17- DKA pt given fluid then he became agitated with low Na and K.

Serum osmolarity low, Urine osmolarity low. Dx?

A- Volume overload


18- Hypertensive not diabetic pt with non-healed ulcer on the lateral

malleolus. Best initial test?

A- Venous doppler

B- Pulsation distal for ulcer


D- Arterial duplex

19- Pt with IV shunt for dialysis developed fever after 3 days. Next step?

A- Culture, antibiotic and remove shunt

B- Antibiotic, continue dialysisi

C- Culture, postpone dialysis for 3 days

20- Exercise induced asthma, best ttt inhaled before exercise?

A- Salbutamol

B- Steroid

C- Salmeterol

D- Ipratropium

21- Case of SLE on ttt presented with anemia,

Low hb, high reticulocytes, high LDH, cause of anemia?

A- Hemolytic

B- Anemia of chronic disease


22- Case of IDA what increase?


23- High reticulocytes and LDH, Dx?

A- Hemolytic anemia

24- Case with ectopic pregnancy ask about source of bleeding?

A- Cervix

B- Vagina

C- Fallopian tubes

D- Peritoneum

25- Child with otitis media, causitive organism?

A- Adenovirus

B- Rhinovirus

A- Tibial

B- Common peroneal

C- Deep peroneal

D- Superficial peroneal

27- What assiciated with biliary colic?

A- Bilirubin

B- Alkaline phosphatase

28- Case with macrocytic anemia. Cause?

A- Giardiasis infection

29- Vesicular mole.

30- Complete breech.

31- Child with adisson, ttt?

A- Steroid daily

32- Female with primary sclerosing cholangitis with MRCP results. The

next appropriate test for diagnosis?

A- Colonoscopy


C- Liver biopsy

33- Pt with hyperkalemia, creatinine above 200. TTT?

A- Ca gluconate

B- Dialysis

34- Bad prognosis of schisophrenia?

A- Psychosis at the attack

26- Fructure fibula, which nerve affected?

B- Onset at adolescence

35- Bad prognosis of alzheimer?

A- Agitation

B- Forget names and appointment

C- Can't complete reading during setting

D- Something verbal

36- Pregnant 37 weeks, came with ROM and abdominal pain with

vaginal bleeding and fetal bradycardia. Dx?

A- Abrupto placentae

B- Vasa previa

C- Placenta previa

37- Hydatid cyst.

38- Palpitation, heart rate 150. TTT?

A- Adenosine

B- Carotid massage

C- Amiodarone

39- Screening for HTN in non risky?

A- 18

B- 25

C- 50

D- 65

40- Female hypertensive and smoker during ovarian cystectomy

developed hypotension, hypoxia and tachycardia. Dx?


B- Hemorrhage

C- septic shock

41- Ectopic simple management.

42- Early antepartum hemorrhage (about ectopic and molar).

43- Late antepartum hemorrhage (about abrupto and previa).

44- Urinary stress incontinence.

45- Multipara delivered 6 or 7, had urinary incontinence, dysuria. Dx?

A- Urethrocele

B- Vesicocele

C- Stress

D- Overflow

46- Pap smear show squmous cell. Management?

A- Colposcopy guided biopsy

B- Chemotherapy

C- Hysterectomy

47- Pt with MALToma How to ttt?

A- Antibiotic

48- Pt refuse to do CS. What to do?

A- Refer to another doctor

B- Consent from husband

C- Do vaginal delivery

D- Do CS

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49- Postparum depression for 3 months. TTT?

A-Low dose anti depressant

B- Continue breast feeding

C- Sharing of family members

50- Cervical incompetenc 2 questions (diagnosis and when to do


51- Salpingitis.

52- Most common organism that causes tubal block?

53- Bacterial vaginosis ttt and diagnosis.

54- Vaginal candidiasis.

55- ECV absolute contraindications.

56- Pap smear, suspicion of cancer.

57- SOB, EF normal, ER?

A- No need any?!

58- Cardiomyopathy diagnosis.

59- Gastroenteritis loss fluid.

60- IVC pressure?

A- Hypotension

61- Post menopausal bleeding

A. With endometrial hyperplasia

B. -uppoposed estrogen

62- Old pt was in apicnic reported recurrent fall and developed headache and

signs of lateralization

X ray normal

A. subdural hematoma

B. brain abbess

C. stroke

63- Post splenectomy the pt develop fever chest and abd pain increase with

respiration dullness on the lower lung

A. lower lobar pneumonia

B. -subdisphragmatic abcess

64- Pt with jaundice dilated common bile duct and shrunken gall bladder

A. preampillary carcinoma

B. gall bladder carcinoma

65- Pathology of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis

66- Open wound in zone 3 of the neck

A. —vascular ligation

B. -open wound arterial ligation

C. -open wound bypass

67- Pt with septic shock what shouldn’t be given to pt

A. fluids

B. antibiotics

C. Dobutamine

D. Steroids

68- Pt with web lash injury

A. perforated stomach

B. -perforated duodenum

C. lone jejunal tear

69- Neonate with congenital diaphragmatic hernia what the initial step

A. immediate surgery

B. -Nasogastric tube insertion

70- Pt with diastolic murmur femoral pistol shot


71- What need immediate intervention in neonate

A. absent femoral pulsation

B. -deep notch on spine

72- Child mild fever with diarrhea

A. delay all vaccine

B. give all vaccines

C. give all except OPV
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73- Pt with unstable angina on aspirin , lisinopril , warfarin, statin developed MI

after control what to add


74- Syndrome which come

bruton agamm

: Good pasteur

* Child fail on his hand ( radius & ulna) , what you will do ?

A) Reassure

B) Cast


** picture of blood smear for malaria & ask about, what’s the type?

A) falciparum

B) vivax

C) malarea


** Prophylaxis for malaria?

A)atovaquone or mefloquine


** Case of polymyalgia rheumatica


** Celiac disease —->biopsy—-> atrophy


** Patient came after laparoscopic cholecystectomy e discharge from the site of

midole ?

A) daily dressing

B) wound inspection

C) exploration

** Congestive heart failure is

A) with poor prognosis

B) best ttt with diuretic

C) associated with RBBB


** 10 y\o boy presented to clinic with 3 week history of limping and it getting

worse in the morning ?

A) slipped capital femoral epiphysis


** Phylloid —-> excision


** 25 y\o female complain of breast tenderness before period , there’s family hx

of breast cancer?

A) breast US


** Irregular menses , c\o of pain during menses with uterosacral ligament


A) endometriosis ✅

B) adenomyosis


** picture of HSP —-> ttt suppurative

** Anal pain with discharge?

A) perineal abscess


** milestone 3 years—-> drow triangle


** Battle’s sign —> basal skull fracture


** Cauliflower lesions


** SCA —-> ttt hydroxy urea


** SCA —> give him vaccine


** Meningitis—-> lumber puncture


** Gram +ve , B hemolytic +ve

A) ampicillin

B) cefapime


** SCA ( low platelet, low RBCs , pancytopenia) —> hyper spleenism

——-> splenectomy
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Tension pneumothorax —-> Chest tube


** Hemothorax : blood in pleural space

Sign : absent heart sound and dull to percussion

Dx: chest Xray or CT chest ( blunting of costopherenic angle

ttt: pneumothorax and tension pneumothorax—> needle decompression then

chest tube , hemothorax : chest tube


** Elderly pt in icu with low thyroid lab , what’s the diagnosis?

A) hashimoto

B) hypothyroidism

C) sick thyroid syndrome ✅

# Typical case of tb

- isolation.

#pleuratic fluid analysis


- tb

- parapneumonic effusion

- empiema. #pnuomothorax #hepatitis only dx

- acute

#primary polydypsia

#menegitis transmitted by air born

#absence seziure ttt.

#diabetes inspidus

# female with vaginal bleeding and closed cx ( threatened abortion)?

#ECV contraindications

# female with vaginal bleeding , us? The case about ectopic pregnancy ttt (


#female with irregular vaginal bleeding she is on ocp she wants to conceive ( not

sure )

# breach presentation

#post partium hge ( primary , sexondary )

#lobar stages

#pelvic pain in female 12yo the pain start since she has the peroid what u should

give her ?



#female 40 yo with abnormal uterine bleeding you told her she need to do

hysterectomy , she want to take consult ( or concent ) from another doc ?

#SCA lab , has vasooclusive crisis from 1 month what u should do about

vacccination ?

#pt with diarrhea, oligouria , vomiting , RBC in urin?

- supportive

- steroid

#milatone ! ( cannot يالغي؟ - cannot set without support )





#pt with elevated pt +ptt ,

- factor 10 def

- chronic #RTA with polyurea, ( DI )

Increase patient emotion ,aggressive against his family ,

affected side of brain

-my answer: Frontal


X linked gamaglobulinemia


patient has recurrent infection , has one brother and two sisters died (sudden


-cardio genic shock

- elevated capillary pressure

c-bactremia sepsis or septic shock


breast feedin (مكرر.. (


-active TB

-expree milk with activ TB

-expree milk with activ HIV

pyloric stenosis diadnosed by US....TX?



case of GERD,irritation of lower esophgus ,and hyperplasia.mx?


-Smoking cessation


testicular torsion...mx?

- surgery


vaccine contrindicated in pregnancy


vaccine contrindicated for child with immuno-deficiency?



vaccine for child on steroid for long timeand cushingoid apperance , when to


- stop steroid and give after one month


CTG ... 4 cases

-LATE deceleration <== placental suffieciency

-EARLY deceleration ===<

head compression , variable , cord compression


pregnancy seizures =====<magnesium sulfate


child with sever abdominal pain , you find tender in testis. Ex :testis horizontal

above the other tetis

-scrotal US



umbilicus ... symphis ... pubis

q not clear

فوق : pubis-



physical activity for adult

-30mn 10days per month

-15 mn 6 days per week



chronic liver with symptomes ..disease( q not clear)

أسئلة مشابهة

مرحباً بك في بوابة الإجابات ، المصدر الرائد للتعليم والمساعدة في حل الأسئلة والكتب الدراسية. نحن هنا لدعمك في تحقيق أعلى مستويات التعليم والتفوق الأكاديمي، نهدف إلى توفير إجابات شاملة لسؤالك

